
grimorg80 t1_jeem150 wrote

Honestly. I demand an AI embedded in Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Google Search Console, and Google Ads, that can access all at once and give me answers from there. Or help me set up the damn triggers and events on GTM.

There are so many crazy useful use cases on day zero, I'm annoyed they haven't done it yet.


grimorg80 t1_jduhg3o wrote

In fact, the evolution of human civilization goes hand in hand with the evolution of cooperation. All the way to the current mega-coordinated system we call global economy. What it really is, is billions of people working together to provide everything to everyone, and every sector is dependent on the others.


grimorg80 t1_j9ygcc9 wrote

Hmm... That's interesting. Again, it could simply be that "Sydney is the code name for Bing Chat" is now flagged as a secret and that's why when asked about a secret, that is what it gives you.

But the fact that it tries to give you an actual secret is quite perplexing. I mean, it knows it's a secret, it shouldn't use it at all. And yet it seems it's trying. I'm not sure what to make of it.


grimorg80 t1_j5tg65s wrote

Alright... So...

First of all, revenue is not necessarily the one thing to look for. In a situation like this one you look at penetration and acquired users. They are building a novel technology.

When you do that, building novel technologies, the success comes in the form of investments. Which they keep getting, and again, $10B injected by Microsoft.

I'd love you to write an email to their team and explain why they are wrong.


grimorg80 t1_j5stmjb wrote

Not "completely".

I work in tech, and specifically in Marketing Tech, and I can assure you that we are already seeing a massive shift and a proliferation of tools that are already delivering value to companies, especially small companies or one-person-teams.

As someone wrote on LinkedIn "individuals have never been able to produce so much by themselves thanks to generative AI" and it's so true. It's already shifting consumer behaviour, and we're barely at the beginning of commercially available AI tools.

So, yes. While the buzz around GPT as a proto-AGI or ASI is completely BS, the fact that current AI tools are already massively impacting certain sectors is undeniable.