
grogait t1_j9ecpov wrote

Just my personal experience and point of view: After my first break up I was suffering so much I thought I would die, 10 years later I see it as a blessing, I would be a very sad person if I still in that kind of relationship. I wish I could had suffered less by that time, so I wish the same for you. Believe it or not: what you are feeling now is just made by your thoughts, you will see things in a different way and you will look at your past self and whish you had suffered less. I guess knowledge and experience are the key. Study more and live more, I would say, the more you know, the more your perspective will change. I fell that suffering is created by our brain, that's why it's so difficult for me to understand how a person that lose house and family in Ukraine can still smile and have hope, and sometimes I feel so miserable just because of my professional frustration. Hope this helps. First time in a year I am typing here to share a comment. We all here are trying to help you and we care about you :)