
gsa90812 t1_iu71oj5 wrote

I don’t get the point here? I have already stated I was specifically referring to all of the other shit she has done, Covid, being a trump lover, embarrassing her child, being violent towards other parents, etc. The “rumor” you are referring to is just here say because again no one wants to deal with the harassment when speaking out. I don’t need to crowd peoples feeds for things we all already know.


gsa90812 t1_iu6r2d6 wrote

They are not rumors, these are facts. My child goes to school with hers and I have witnessed all of this. I have personally commented on her covid denials during COVID and she ripped me down and then saw my SO out one night and had the audacity to ask if he was “still with that girl” you know my name dude, don’t play that game.