
guspaz t1_jaaocoj wrote

I was referring more to small stealthy surface drones, like Ukraine's can carry a 200kg warhead and have a one-way range of 800km, but underwater drones... I mean, that's pretty much the literal definition of a torpedo, no? A modern Mark 48 torpedo has an estimated max range of 38 km at 55 kt or 50 km at 40 kt, probably even farther if you ran it slower... or if you weren't trying to fit it into a 21-inch-wide tube.


guspaz t1_ja95l0q wrote

CIWS wasn't able to do much with them until block 1B in 2016 added FLIR to help target small surface craft. Even then, it's a challenge, they're harder to see/detect, they're harder to hit, they can be armoured, and you'd probably swarm them.

However, I'd imagine swarms of small missile boats are probably a bigger problem. It's a very cheap way to get a lot of anti-ship missiles in the air to saturate defenses.


guspaz t1_j86cssn wrote

The Vidéotron Centre was built relatively recently (opened in 2015) as a full-up NHL/Olympic arena for failed NHL/Olympic bids, and it's fully equipped for that. So these kids aren't just playing in a small community rink, they're playing in a full-up NHL-class arena in front of a crowd of 18 thousand. I can't imagine how amazing it would be for any kid to get to play in front of that kind of crowd.