
gwaydms t1_jdxk0is wrote

We are talking about this person, who was dear to whomever put up the memorial. In a way, we are remembering him, although most likely none of us has ever met him. I'd say this little memorial is serving its purpose.


gwaydms t1_jatr9dx wrote

What a life she led! And she had some (figurative) brass balls too. "Think you can take that horse and my son? Think again! Oh, and I'll take this other horse too, with our furs. Bye." She was a great lady.


gwaydms t1_jaa062v wrote

Both species engaged in ritual behavior of some sort. This may not constitute what we think of as "religion". But the root word in Latin means "that which binds", with the sense of bringing/keeping a community closer together. In this context, we can certainly put H. neandertalensis, as well as H. sapiens, ritual behaviors into the category of religion. They didn't necessarily believe in supernatural beings, but they pretty clearly believed in something beyond their tangible experience.


gwaydms t1_j9ulttt wrote

>2009 H1N1 outbreak

I caught that before the vaccine came out. It made me pretty sick (fever, chills, headache, dry cough). My symptoms were typical for that strain. And it was summer, not exactly prime flu season.

In those early days, brain and/or lung involvement was causing severe and even fatal disease and I didn't have that. I stayed in bed and just rode it out.


gwaydms t1_j8c5ow1 wrote

>Frog species around chernobyl have turned pitch black in an adaptation to protect from radiation evolving pigmentation and protection.

This is natural selection rather than evolution, although it certainly does play a part in evolution. It might be a fine point, but it's an important one.