
hagak t1_jeh11hm wrote

Everyone has posted most of the big downsides of a long commute. But there are some people dont see or realize right away. Dealing with exceptions to your day. Things like need to meet a plumber, picking up kids, dentist/doctor appt, or even attending after work happy hour or other event. These all become much more complicated when you have a 1+ hour commute.


hagak t1_jdvkdap wrote

Reply to comment by Twerks4Jesus in Maine Yard Care by AppointmentNo3240

oh i do, i barely mow every other week and I dont start until June. Cause I hate mowing and we do have some clover and dandelions and like I said I have a nice amount of wildflowers, butterflies and humming birds love it. I see a few bees but not much.


hagak t1_jdvjpup wrote

Reply to comment by Twerks4Jesus in Maine Yard Care by AppointmentNo3240

This I am interested in. I am trying to reduce my mowing as much as possible. Currently just have to mow a small backyard area and a larger but still not that big leach field area. I have been putting wildflower mixes down in areas that I have no need to walk in (some of the wildflowers get thick and TALL). If switching from very unmaintained grass (I just mow, nothing else) what is involved to go to clover? Will the clover overtake most of the existing grass or will have still have really tall grass coming up. Reason is both areas require some foot traffic and it is not fun walking through tall grass.


hagak t1_j1prey1 wrote

I am near Ellsworth as well and actually ended up cancelling my flight plans that I had on christmas eve because we lost power. With no estimates on the return of power I did not want to leave the house unattended in fear of burst pipes (did not have RV antifreeze or time to winterize the house). We have wood stoves and a generator so maintaining temps while here is no issue.

All good advice, I go one further anytime I leave the house for more then a day or so I always turn the well pump power off (summer or winter) and open hot and cold water.