
halfpricedcabbage t1_iu4c0j1 wrote

  1. Find out how many calories you need for YOUR body in a day. Each person has a different calorie amount. Use an online calculator for it. Me for example I need 1300 kcal to function.

  2. Find out how many times a day you like to eat. I eat three times a day, so I would give myself a calorie budget: “For breakfast I will only eat 400 kcal”. For each meal, give it a calorie budget and plan not eat foods that go over this budget.

E.g. breakfast: 400kcal allowed Lunch: 500 kcal allowed Dinner: 300 kcal allowed Snack: 100 kcal allowed

  1. Find recipes for meals that fall into or under your allotted calorie count for each meal.

  2. End of the day, add up your combined calorie spendage and make sure it is not over your total allotment for the day. So If I have eaten 1,290-1,330 kcal then I am doing good. Myfitnesspal is great for logging your calories. I recommend a good app and get into the habit of logging calories.

  3. Be honest and be kind to yourself. If I go over by 200 kcal a day, I make sure to log it, however I try to add in a bit of walking/yoga to try and burn off the excess calories and get my total for the day back to 1300 again. I dont beat myself about it because some days you really do need some chocolate or a milkshake.