
halibfrisk t1_jdxpp8t wrote

Iceland Norway Switzerland & Lichtenstein are members of EFTA - they are not EU members but are members of Schengen, the single market, and some stuff like Eurostat and Erasmus that the UK no longer participates in. Many brexiters claimed that efta membership “Norway status” would be the outcome of brexit…



halibfrisk t1_j7edkv0 wrote

There’s revenue / income from tech sales regardless of whether it generates a profit or loss.

>Google’s hardware products, including the Pixel smartphone, the Chromebook laptop, and Nest smart home devices, generated a total of $19.6 billion in revenue in the same year.



halibfrisk t1_j2fpcnw wrote

you should get an actual lawyer to have a secure will rather than rely on any online service

In some jurisdictions it’s hard to entirely disinherit family so the typical advice is to leave a token / symbolic gift to relatives you wish to exclude, rather than excluding them entirely. So maybe leave Mom’s old china or $100 to your sister (and any decendants if she predeceases you) so she (they) can’t claim they were overlooked.


halibfrisk t1_j2e2scv wrote

It’s always worth ousting the current board and taking over the running of the HOA yourself so you can be the target of everyone’s complaints.

Unless there’s egregious neglect or mismanagement the main thing to do is to be glad some other fool is doing the tedious and thankless work of running the HOA, (or the sports club, or whatever org you are part of with a volunteer, unpaid board.)