
ham_sandwich_please t1_iybh7e7 wrote

Sounds like you have collision if your insurance company and the auto body shop are going back and forth. What do you expect the payout to be if the car is declared a total loss? I would keep on the insurance company to make this determination ASAP and get the car back on the road or purchase a replacement if it's a loss. Those are your only real options. Stay on top of both the auto shop and the insurance company daily.


ham_sandwich_please t1_iybdi07 wrote

Aggressively pay down that debt while you still have the opportunity to split housing costs with your parents. Keep 3-6 months aside for an emergency fund, but the rest should go towards the loans once the pause ends. Until then, let it sit in a HYSA earning some interest. Imagine the options you'll have being debt free and taking home nearly $20k a month.