hamhead t1_j5la4g6 wrote
Reply to A Bill Would Require Insurance Companies To Provide Equal Coverage to Dog Owners by NewsHugh
I don’t understand why this would be a matter for law. If an insurance company wants to change more for something why can they, assuming it doesn’t involve a protected class (which this doesn’t).
hamhead t1_j4bu4ch wrote
Reply to comment by riotousviscera in New Haven made the list. by curbthemeplays
It’s not just that. It’s that nothing in New Haven really happens on the water.
hamhead t1_j44brvq wrote
Reply to comment by prefer-to-stay-anon in Companies Are Adding Sesame to Foods. It's an Unintended Consequence of a New Allergen Label Law by Kodiak01
Ok a few things - even if that number is accurate, that’s all allergens, not one specific one.
The contains list isn’t a problem. That’s not what we are talking about. We are talking about changing food to accommodate, or banning certain things, or other actions of that nature. We are talking about people not wanting the ingredient in the food because too many contain it.
hamhead t1_j42g6m1 wrote
Reply to comment by onioning in Companies Are Adding Sesame to Foods. It's an Unintended Consequence of a New Allergen Label Law by Kodiak01
No, but production facilities that don't deal with it at all *are* niche.
That might be a slight exaggeration but not by a lot. The facility would have to be set up specifically for this.
hamhead t1_j42g49a wrote
Reply to comment by Murderyoga in Companies Are Adding Sesame to Foods. It's an Unintended Consequence of a New Allergen Label Law by Kodiak01
Well, no, because the analogy makes no sense. One impacts everyone, one doesn't. So why make it at all if that 'goes without saying'.
hamhead t1_j42faq3 wrote
Reply to comment by sharrrper in Companies Are Adding Sesame to Foods. It's an Unintended Consequence of a New Allergen Label Law by Kodiak01
Sort of. On an individual level you’re right. On a societal level is where the debate comes in. People can die from a lot of unique things. That doesn’t mean society “bends over” for them. In the majority of cases, they have to accommodate society rather than the other way around.
The question is where does it become societal problem - how many people does it need to impact - before that switches.
hamhead t1_j42ewhr wrote
Reply to comment by onioning in Companies Are Adding Sesame to Foods. It's an Unintended Consequence of a New Allergen Label Law by Kodiak01
Yes, but now you’re into niche production.
hamhead t1_j42er4y wrote
Reply to comment by Murderyoga in Companies Are Adding Sesame to Foods. It's an Unintended Consequence of a New Allergen Label Law by Kodiak01
If cyanide only harmed a relatively small percentage of people…
hamhead t1_j42ell4 wrote
Reply to comment by funwithdesign in Companies Are Adding Sesame to Foods. It's an Unintended Consequence of a New Allergen Label Law by Kodiak01
This change made that not possible
hamhead t1_j411d6h wrote
Reply to Companies Are Adding Sesame to Foods. It's an Unintended Consequence of a New Allergen Label Law by Kodiak01
Yeah, this came out last month.
If companies are responsible for unintentional trace allergens then it’s easier to make it intentional and give notice.
hamhead t1_j3lozv2 wrote
Reply to comment by Muhshuggah in DMV license replacement unreasonably confusing by Muhshuggah
I always have a scan of my license.
But also it’s saved many places.
hamhead t1_j2kam3s wrote
Reply to comment by Catlady_1001 in A cheap place (with Wifi) to sit and work all day. by ParadoxicalGlutton
Yeah that’s the same issue though… it’s not cool to take up a table all day there.
hamhead t1_j2dp0wn wrote
Reply to Does anyone know why our license plates went from awesome to terrible in the 2000s? by Objective-Class-4552
I actually think they are one of the better ones now, but I do agree there was no need to change them and I have a soft spot in my heart for my old ones.
hamhead t1_iz0h3pv wrote
Reply to comment by KirkCouzins in Why aren't more traffic tickets written? by cmndo
I could go for more tickets for things like red lights and double parking and such. What I don't care about is the speeding tickets everyone is always more obsessed with. To me it's more about how someone's driving than how fast someone's driving, but this are harder tickets to issue so get ignored.
hamhead t1_iy80be5 wrote
Reply to comment by Steady_Habits_CT in Switching to Constellation: beware rates have changed! by asspirate420
In the context in which your question was asked, it’s an open market. You asked why, given the same generation bundle, some offer lower prices than others. The answer is that they can price as desired since it’s an open market, for that segment of the vertical market.
hamhead t1_iy6scsn wrote
Reply to comment by Steady_Habits_CT in Switching to Constellation: beware rates have changed! by asspirate420
>how can Constellation offer a 13 to 17 cent rate while Eversource is allowed to double its rate to 24 cents!
I'm not really sure I understand this question. It's an open market. Eversource has a somewhat higher rate than alternative suppliers because lazy and/or risk adverse people will stick with them. They maintain an X% buffer, constellation cuts it finer. That's the entire point of a [sort of] deregulated marketplace.
hamhead t1_iy6s58j wrote
Reply to comment by apothecarynow in Switching to Constellation: beware rates have changed! by asspirate420
If you haven't spoken to them yet what exactly are you fighting?
hamhead t1_iy6rt8e wrote
Reply to 5-officers-to-be-charged-for-involvement-in-arrest-that-left-new-haven-man-paralyzed by NLCmanure
That's a lot of hyphens
hamhead t1_iy3z5qw wrote
Reply to comment by GabeDanis in Her Choice: One exceptional student’s stand against UConn’s Covid policy by CTInsideInvestigator
Even if that was entirely true, it doesn't change the statement. The school set requirements. She didn't follow them.
hamhead t1_iy3z2wh wrote
Reply to Her Choice: One exceptional student’s stand against UConn’s Covid policy by CTInsideInvestigator
What happened? She failed to follow school requirements.
I'm not sure why this article exists other than that some people have decided schools haven't always had medical requirements.
hamhead t1_ixdttek wrote
Reply to comment by Ziggy1433 in Happy Eversource-giving Everyone by cryptocratic7
You said why should we be hostage to their rates. The why is because generation is not their job. Delivery is what we pay them for. I’m not sure what your question is otherwise.
hamhead t1_ixdtcvc wrote
Reply to comment by Ziggy1433 in Happy Eversource-giving Everyone by cryptocratic7
I don’t think you understand how the energy sector works. Eversource is like UPS - they deliver the product. They don’t make it. Does that mean UPS isn’t important? Of course they are.
hamhead t1_ixdt5xg wrote
Reply to comment by Middle-Class-Dad in Happy Eversource-giving Everyone by cryptocratic7
That’s not really relevant. Solar isn’t the only power source. But it does help reduce the need for others.
Gas isn’t going away in the foreseeable future. But other types of power production can reduce the need for it, especially at off peak times.
hamhead t1_ix0fax7 wrote
Reply to comment by 6th__extinction in Higher education by pringlesbones
So you teach in an inner city district and see problems. You’re not exactly shocking anyone there, in any city ever. What’s that have to do with an adult living there?
hamhead t1_j5twpr7 wrote
Reply to comment by EmperorAnthony in The inventory of houses suck by KindaEgotistical
>New Haven,
Um, what? I think you don't know New Haven's housing market.