
hamsterpopcorn t1_ja199kk wrote

You know, saying that just makes me want to ask...

Must admit I'm definitely not the most tech savvy. I grew up with technology so I know how to navigate it, but I couldn't tell you how a lot of things work. Input like yours is always much appreciated, especially when considering horny teenagers who don't realize the danger of sending sexual pictures and videos!


hamsterpopcorn t1_j9xb7f8 wrote

While choosing the photos was definitely not the right move and they should have just been deleted altogether…

Please, please, please, if you REALLY don’t want your nudes getting out and you’re scared of having them leaked, just don’t send them. Or at the very least, do something that deletes itself like Snapchat (since it’ll also notify you if someone screenshots) with someone you trust to not pull anything sneaky around that to capture the image.

Even people with good intentions, like OP, can still risk those nudes getting out there without necessarily meaning to.

Too big of a risk with major consequences.