
happybarfday t1_iz2nqhp wrote

>Please show me where I said that.

Uhh your words in literally your last post:

>People have literally been saying the solutions for the past 5 years: build more housing, expand the social safety net, improve healthcare in the city.

I'm not mocking the solutions but rather the delusion that any of this shit will actually happen and not be turned into another grift where the winners are the politicians, corporations and wealthy, the homeless get some token scraps, and the middle class (us) ends up paying for all of it and getting nothing in return. Free flying ponies made of gold for everyone would make a difference too, but I would mock the idea of that happening as well...


happybarfday t1_iz2emrb wrote

Right, so throw more money at the problem. How am I putting words in your mouth? I just got into more specifics that you fail to actually talk about when you put forth vague ideas.

We literally said the same shit - free houses, free healthcare, free "social safety net" (food stamps, drug treatment, counseling, education and employment programs, etc). If you disagree on the specifics then feel free to elaborate.

I'm just being realistic about how much free shit would need to be provided to give the majority of mentally ill and/or just generally spiteful and angry homeless people to get their shit together, get sober, and support themselves at the bare minimum...

I'm all for this shit. I pay my insane taxes here every year. And every year nothing changes. The thing is, I don't trust our government to any of this shit not matter how much money we give them. What happened to those billions that went into Thrive? What the fuck has the government been doing with our money?

Politicians and developers and corporations, etc will just embezzle and/or waste the money or do some other corrupt or incompetent shit to enrich themselves and prolong the issue so that they can continue to get more. There's no profit in fixing homelessness for anyone so why would they have any incentive to do that? I have zero confidence left in government, whether right or left...

Call me a fascist or socialist or whatever, take all my money and put whoever you want in office, just somebody fucking do something to make any change whatsofuckingever.


happybarfday t1_iz2dy6z wrote

I don't have the right to go piss on the door of your building, shoot up heroin, then pass out there and shit myself and then attack you when you try to wake me up to get the fuck out of the way, but this shit happens on the daily in our city. Happened right outside my own building.


happybarfday t1_iz2dt97 wrote

You really think I give a shit to go hunt down some research paper to prove shit to a troll on the internet? You're not worth that.

If you've never seen a homeless person do anything even slightly distasteful in public then you either are a billionaire who never leaves their upper east side mansion, you're blind, a shut-in, or you don't live here in the first place...

Yes right okay, I'm totally making this shit up and every homeless person is just a nice, friendly, totally sober, totally mentally stable guy or gal who lost their job and they just need a free apartment and $1000 and they will be perfectly fine forever.


happybarfday t1_iz2deng wrote

Yes that's exactly what was said "literally the joker"... are you daft? No one said homeless people are killing politicians and burning piles of cash and doing heists at bank...

There are many many many incidents of homeless and/or disturbing individuals who wander around in public harassing and attacking people, pushing people on the subway, exposing themselves, menacing people, openly doing hard drugs and drinking, soiling themselves and facilities and passing out in public and private places, etc.

I know because a lot of that stuff has happened to me and or people I know, or I've witnessed it happen to others.

None of that has anything to do with the Joker so I'm not sure why you think that's some amazing gotcha comeback...

The only joke here is how your entire agenda seems to be to downplay and handwave the seriousness and frequency of these incidents.


happybarfday t1_iz1odzi wrote

Walk out your fucking door lol... you're just putting your fingers in your ears and screaming LALALA while some homeless guy is right now shitting his pants and groping a woman on the subway... you're the reason nothing ever gets accomplished, because your delicate sensibilities can't handle the fact that people are far more fucked up than you want to admit and your solutions are pathetically ineffective.


happybarfday t1_iz1o40k wrote

Are you just willing being stupid? The poster you're responding to literally said "there are SOME people" and you just immediately jump to some dumbass defense insinuating they must mean ALL homeless people because you don't have the capacity to engage with the actual argument at hand. Like read the fucking words...


happybarfday t1_iz1msgl wrote

I mean no, why the fuck would I? It's not my job or industry... the problem is that you never get specific about the hard questions.

At the end of the day I never see a real solid answer for how to handle people who don't want this assistance and refuse to live like a civilized human because they are mentally ill or just fucking antisocial assholes. The answer is always just "throw more money and resources at it" and apparently someday they will willingly change? No, some people are just NOT ever going to get it together for themselves no matter how many resources are available.


happybarfday t1_iz1me5f wrote

Okay but then how do you handle the liability when they overdose in the housing you're providing? Who is cleaning it up if they soil themselves or destroy the house in a mentally ill fit? Who is watching them 24/7 to make sure they aren't doing this things in the first place and intervening?

What about other sober homeless people who don't want to be around people doing drugs and drinking? They're now forced to live next to a bunch of people shooting up and passing out drunk?

What do you do to prevent theft and assault within these places? You hire 24/7 security and nurses? Who's paying for all this for the next 100 years?


happybarfday t1_iz1lrv8 wrote

So tell us what they want lol, you want to bitch about people putting words in your mouth but then you have nothing to say about solutions yourself... I feel like inevitably it's some pipedream shit where we're going to build 50 new skyscrapers with a free one-bedroom apartment for every homeless person, with free amenities, free drugs and alcohol, free food, free education, free medical aid, $2000 basic income a month, free everything and then they will magically one day totally willingly decide to stop being mentally ill and stop being addicted to substances and become productive contributing, self-sufficient members of society.


happybarfday t1_ivhhw5l wrote

Last time I brought a lost wallet into a precinct they told me I should've just left it where I found it because "now the owner won't be able to come back and find it"... how fucking stupid and lazy is that?

Like on the off chance they didn't just drop it without realizing it and know exactly where they left it (which was on a random sidewalk), AND it doesn't get picked up by some other person who just steals it, MAYBE there's a tiny chance they're on their way to pick it up right now and now they won't get it because I picked it up... okay, yeah sure.

Or you could just look them up in your system and call them to come pick it up from their precinct.


happybarfday t1_iuowxdq wrote

Last night one of these fuckers dropped down from god knows where and landed on my neck while I was waiting for my food at a Chinese restaurant and scared the shit out of me. I swatted it off and killed it and I'm not going back there...


happybarfday t1_iu6k0ty wrote

Yeah I can't even remember like one scene where he really kicked ass for more than a moment before he got neutralized for the sake of the plot. Maybe during the Civil War airport fight he had a couple moments? But we couldn't even really root for him because it was heros infighting...


happybarfday t1_irro5r6 wrote

Yeah I mean, again I didn’t say there’s anything wrong with being a regular Joe with regular Joe needs who watches regular Joe shows like The Office, but then regular Joe also should understand there are reasons why film buffs or whatever want to pay more and it’s not a waste of money to them.

It’s like people who don’t care about cars and just want an econobox to get to and from work. That’s fine, but there’s a reason car freaks will pay 4x as much for a car that doesn’t look all that much different on the exterior but has a clear difference under the hood.


happybarfday t1_irrmpy0 wrote

I'm sure it looked great relatively speaking. Any modern 4K OLED TV looks amazing compared to LCDs or HD TVs from a few years back. But if you put it side-by-side with a top of the line latest LG model or whatever that's calibrated properly, then you'd see clear differences in what you're missing. Again, not a big deal for regular joe's who don't know or care about the ins-and-outs of picture quality, but there IS a difference.