
happyonthehill802 t1_jdhewim wrote

"Stan Sherwood stands in front of his home along Route 7 in Brandon. Sherwood is angry about the number of trees construction crews took down on his property to install a large sand filter for storm water runoff"

Edit source, towards the bottom of the page it goes into detail. https://www.vermontpublic.org/vpr-news/2019-11-13/no-more-cones-and-construction-brandon-open-for-business#stream/0


happyonthehill802 t1_jcltqu9 wrote

Reply to Handyman apps? by odkevin

If you're good, i wouldnt even consider an app. Just put yourself out there.

Start an llc, get some insurance, a few business cards, and advertise on facebook/craigslist/local gas station, etc

Get a second line for business calls, i made the mistake of using my personal cell once. Never again.


happyonthehill802 t1_jcff6uv wrote

Sweet! Its a ways away from you, but theres a hole in the wall toyota place in hartland vt. Called Indian spring auto. Owners name is dennis, hes getting old, but the guy has every part imagineable for these older yotas, and is super knowledgeable. Might be worth a call. Hes saved me a lot of time and money keeping my 04 taco goin.

If he doesnt have the heater box for your rig, my 00 4runner is getting scrapped in the spring and youre welcome to come rob whatever you need out of the interior. It smells bad (plow truck/mice), but im sure bleach would take care of any plastic parts.


happyonthehill802 t1_jcbzp9t wrote

Likely blend door issues, although there is a valve under the hood that stops flow through the heater core. There isnt any adjustment that i know of, just a few cables that are fixed so i have no idea what your mechanic did.

Look on your firewall, under the hood. Locate your heater hoses, i believe the valve is on the drivers side (it is on my 00 4 runner). Confirm that when you select warm/cool air inside the cab, that cable is infact opening and closing the valve. If it is, you've confirmed a blend door issue. If not, disconnect the cable and zip tie the valve open.

If its a blend door issue, look under the radio (from the side, put your head where your feet would be, pass side i believe but check both), you'll see your heater box and you should be able to see a cable connected to it. either push or pull that cable in the direction it needs to move for heat (trial and error, 50% chance).


happyonthehill802 t1_j9gc6q5 wrote

Well like many phrases, context is key. My point is not to try to force the people who grew up here, to live to your standards. Vermont, or at least my corner of it, is very live and let live.

To be clear, im a masshole myself. Ive been here 15 years, and get along with everyone in my town, regardless of if i agree with everything they do/say. Changing someones opinion is very hard, changing a vermonters opinion is even harder. However, it turns out if you get past politics, and treat eachother like humans, most of us have a lot more in common than not.

If you move somewhere, and dont like the way the locals do things, lead by example. Do YOUR best, and maybe they'll follow. If not i bet they'll still come pull your car out when you get stuck.


happyonthehill802 t1_j9gbi4c wrote

Im assuming they are, yes. Much lower taxes due to being off grid. They purchased their property knowing very well it was unmaintained during winter months, and would be kept passable but not perfect during summer months.

Trying to change things after the fact is poor foresight, and not the towns problem.


happyonthehill802 t1_j9ew9p5 wrote

Happens all the time. We have a whole group of folks out of state that moved to the most remote part of our town. So remote it is on an unmaintained, previously a snowmobile trail in the winter, class 4 road.

The owners started plowing it, when the town refused, which is their right. now they want the town to maintain the road year round for them. Its crazy. You chose to buy a house on an unmaintained road, what did you expect?