
hatrickstar t1_jck8u2q wrote

You're aware that Facebook sells our data to Chinese companies right? Like they openly do this.

If Tik Tok was a Meta company, China would still be getting the data....just with a price tag attached, and we still couldn't opt out do anything about.

So you're right...the American companies are worse because if China is a hostile nation then these American companies are committing Treason in these well-documented and undisputed sales of American user data to Chinese companies.

Maybe we do need to look at the American companies for a minute...


hatrickstar t1_jck7uwk wrote

But we're only talking about Tik Tok when Meta has been involved is some very heinous privacy breaches.

This isn't whataboutism, it's asking if we're trying to solve the problem or not. Because forcing divestment in Tik Tok while not enforcing anti trust laws and data regulation on Meta means you aren't trying to solve the problem.

Do you have any idea how much user data Facebook WILLINGLY sells to Chinese companies? Yet that ban that's suspiciously missing from any proposed laws.

Let's just not lie about it, this is a move by the government to "bail out" Meta.


hatrickstar t1_j9hckoq wrote

Or like, I dunno, ask kindly?

If it's his property it's his property, fair play, but don't attack the dude over it. If you want him to leave, ask nicely and if the guy makes a scene about it then get the authorities involved.

That's the thing, about 90% of these videos I've seen the person going full Karen doesn't have any legal reason to be involved. This is the first time I've seen one of these where it's the actual land owner (not that it makes him less shitty) and not some rando walking on the street.