
hauntedathiest t1_j9szkgq wrote

Yet there were still signs that the tumour had been there. I'm going through the same thing with a tumour in my sacrum and it traps the nerves in my spinal cord. Ask her outright and let me know.I could use a miracle right now.I'd be more than happy to sacrifice the mole on my cheek too.


hauntedathiest t1_j954ial wrote

Being as ill as you were at the time and no doubt on some serious medications a lot was proabably just audio and visual hallucinations which would have been very real to you.So real you documented them in your more lucid moments.I hope i'm right. Glad to see you are well now though sickle cell is a terrible disease to go through.


hauntedathiest t1_j5mc81q wrote

The devil is a trickster so he definitely has something up his sleeve. Why is Jacek so scared of getting involved with you.There is big reason begind all this and Jacek is doing the only thing he can to try and protect you.Good luck with all this I have a feeling you will need it.The leshy seems to be getting weaker and weaker like someone has done some dark magic on him.


hauntedathiest t1_ixbvylw wrote

I think he would have sent someone more efficient at killing than a boy of he really wanted you dead. Strange because my maiden name is Fay and I have often been callled a witch, black tongue you name it because whenever I say something will happen it does. I can also read some people and pass messages from spirit to living and also warn someone if something bad is going to happen.


hauntedathiest t1_iuj8o9t wrote

Mr French was better than me. I would have forced that kid to eat his own shit if he'd done that to me. No he should definitely have not poisoned the kids but I'm sure he could have thought of a way to just get to Danny.