
hausermaniac t1_jebhcor wrote

The Expanse is great, but nothing at all like what OP is looking for. T2 is set in the "present", concurrent with when the movie was made. The setting is just the regular world, normal 1990s USA, with the addition of a robot from the future. It encapsulates what life was like for regular people at the time.

The Expanse takes place hundreds of years in the future in a completely different society than what we have today


hausermaniac t1_j8dz6m0 wrote

FYI just to clarify some of the things you've said:

>All that stuff can stick to the walls of the ventilation system, creating biofilms where amoeba and other microbes can feed on

Biofilms are formed by bacteria, not the other way around. They do contribute to persistence and survival as many of the individual cells within a biofilm are not actively metabolizing, making them need fewer nutrients and making them very hard to kill


>Legionella lives in some of these microbes

Legionella is a microbe (gram-negative bacterium), and it can live within other organisms (like amoebae) as an intracellular parasite, but it does not necessarily have to


>Legionela needs Iron to survive, so they can easilly get it from the corrotion ocurring from the "weathering" of the ventilation system

Almost all bacteria need small amounts of iron (and other metals) to survive, but they don't need to be on a surface made of iron to acquire it. They can grow on surfaces made of many different types of materials