
hawkwings t1_jeeznnv wrote

I use two microfiber lens cleaning cloths -- one wet and one dry. I rub it with the wet one and then rub it with the dry one. I usually wipe off more than one thing, such as glasses when I do this.


hawkwings t1_jeb8rlk wrote

Lyrics are important. I like instrumental music, but when I listen to instrumental music, I don't feel any particular emotion. In order for a song to have emotion, it has to have lyrics.


hawkwings t1_je49wkr wrote

Some people think about a robot roaming a normal house, but it is possible to have a robot room that humans stay out of while the robot is active. Cooking is dangerous and maybe you don't want humans in the room while the robot is cooking. In addition to cooking the robot would have to know how to use a fire extinguisher. It could order grocery delivery. This could be a weight loss tool, because the robot could calculate calories. The same thing could be done with the laundry room.


hawkwings t1_ja051af wrote

How did Edwin Castro find out that Jose Rivera had the winning ticket? Did Jose go around telling everyone that he had the winning ticket before he cashed it? If I had the winning ticket, I would take a picture and send a date delayed email to my sisters. I know how to do that with Gmail. Unlike many Redditors, I would cash it as fast as possible.


hawkwings t1_j8g1ogl wrote

I would say yes. We would need an iterative approach where we try something, detect flaws, and fix those flaws. It would take many years to fix all the flaws that can't be fixed without Earth's help. Radiation shielding is easier on the moon and mines can provide resources for repairs and expansion. The goal would be to get to the point where they can repair things without Earth's help. I'm not sure about a space station orbiting Earth. A space station near an asteroid would have a source of resources.


hawkwings t1_j87ougq wrote

If one million people moved to Mars, there would still be 8 billion people on Earth. What scenario are you thinking about where everybody would leave? In a billion years, the sun will be too hot. Maybe aliens will tow Earth to a better location. Humans will probably want Earth back, but I don't know if we can get it back.


hawkwings t1_j4o9958 wrote

If world population was reduced to 2 billion, there would be less concern about immigration and workers might be richer. Cooperation would be easier. I have a concern about religious conflict. Countries would have a place they could deport people to.


hawkwings t1_j26m5ry wrote

On Earth, the new world environment is very similar to the old world environment which is why there are so many invasive species. You can't release pigs and horses on the moon and expect them to survive. The industrial revolution occurred more than a century after much of the new world was colonized.

Not launching from the moon is cheaper than launching from the moon. In the early days of resource extraction, it may be better to use those resources on the moon instead of launching them. LG wouldn't be useful until we have more resources than we need on the moon.


hawkwings t1_j25cggq wrote

Lower escape velocity is not the same as cheaper. Is steel on the moon the same price as steel on Earth? Is fuel on the moon the same price as fuel on Earth? If resources on the moon are more expensive than resources on the Earth, it might be cheaper to launch from Earth. If your main goal is cheaper, then we should wait until we have cheap resources on the moon before working on LG.

It is possible to mine things on the moon, build things on the moon and leave those things on the moon. I'm not sure what the Lunar Gateway gets you. Supplies can be sent to the moon on one-way spaceships. People flying to the moon will be in a hurry. If docking slows them down, that could be a problem, because that means more radiation and more life-support resources.


hawkwings t1_j2379a3 wrote

They would most likely be young, like 15 years old and not related to each other. They may come from orbital space colonies, because they would be used to that lifestyle. Orbital space colonies would help us learn how to keep people alive in space so they would probably predate a generational ship by 30 years. Frozen eggs and sperm from 1000 people would help us maintain genetic diversity. Robots could be sent ahead to build an orbital space colony from asteroid material.