hazpat t1_jcghwce wrote
Reply to comment by Tactically_Fat in Open-source tool from MIT’s Senseable City Lab lets people check air quality, cheaply. by chrisdh79
Flow meters are usualy built in and auto adjust. Checking flow with a rotometer is fast and simple.
Most meters operate under factory calibration factors that are acceptable under most conditions. You can, but are not required by any regs, to set user calibration factors based on local conditions. This is a very tedious process that you don't typically see people do unless they are in abnormal conditions like constant fog or whatever. On my meters temp and pressure sensors are built in, no idea about the purple, but I would trust the particulate data if it passed a flow and zero check.
hazpat t1_jcgdz3o wrote
Reply to comment by Tactically_Fat in Open-source tool from MIT’s Senseable City Lab lets people check air quality, cheaply. by chrisdh79
I would believe they can be tested in a very similar matter to professional sensors. My top of the line detectors are just calibrated to zero, which i assume is extremely easy to do on the purple. You simply apply a filter and make sure levels drop to 0. There are no mid range calibration for particulate matter. It is nearly impossible to produce a standard concentration aerosol.
Now if it is also testing for gasses or vapors, it would need to be calibrated with standards
hazpat t1_jbd0whb wrote
Reply to comment by AbstractMirror in Man who calls himself "Dolphin Dave" cited for allegedly harassing humpback whales and dolphins in Hawaii by wallstreetegg
Trip sit on my face at least.
hazpat t1_jbcnxyt wrote
Reply to comment by Martyr-Saint in Man who calls himself "Dolphin Dave" cited for allegedly harassing humpback whales and dolphins in Hawaii by wallstreetegg
>Typically you need to have like a guide and all sorts of things
... to have sex with them?
hazpat t1_jatb8ct wrote
Reply to [IMAGE] Recharge before you shut down. by tburns1469
This will build memory in the battery and the battery will begin to deplete faster.
hazpat t1_jaeeeaw wrote
Reply to How to prevent gear moving on bar? by stehilton94
Heat the rod (not the pin) with a soldering iron then tap out the pin.
hazpat t1_jae5ht8 wrote
Reply to comment by CeciWhutIMean in A little girl and her pet toad at a pet show, Venice Beach, California, 1936 by desertmyth
Yes I'm "this" much fun.
hazpat t1_jadm39d wrote
Reply to comment by LigerXT5 in Nvidia’s latest GPU drivers can upscale old blurry YouTube videos by prehistoric_knight
11 months ago Linus upscaled his first video. Came out good
hazpat t1_jadeums wrote
Reply to comment by Villeto in Viper Bottle Opener, Me, Brass, 2023 by COPPERTISTWU
I'll stick with what the artist says. You can even see the irregular wax texture when zoomed no striations from printing.
Saying it's 3d is a baseless claim that does not fit the artists typical style. The texture on the item makes it obvious it isn't 3d printed.
Using your everythings using new tech mentality, your comment was probably ai generated cause people tend to look into the artist before they claim to know the technique.
u/villeto must not be confident in their bs reply lol
hazpat t1_jadciud wrote
It looks like you have plenty of room to get a crescent wrench on that nut. Quarter turn at a time until it is loose enough for your hand
hazpat t1_jad66z3 wrote
That's a horned lizard, not a toad.
hazpat t1_jad1s8c wrote
Reply to comment by Villeto in Viper Bottle Opener, Me, Brass, 2023 by COPPERTISTWU
They explained they carved the wax... extremely common and easy way to do brass casting. Using plastic instead of wax wouldn't work as the brass won't vaporize it as effectively.
It's hilarious to see young kids flabbergasted by extremely common techniques.
hazpat t1_ja4o4up wrote
Reply to comment by Kreebish in Dehydration headaches are water withdrawal symptoms. by BestAce1215
So by that logic water bottles are made of water? Lol
hazpat t1_ja4307o wrote
Reply to comment by Kreebish in Dehydration headaches are water withdrawal symptoms. by BestAce1215
Close but we are not made of water, we contain water and use it as a medium for the organic molecules we are made of.
hazpat t1_j97ztbw wrote
Reply to comment by pigeononpolice in I'd like your assistance with a gym-device to help me work out better by pigeononpolice
The great thing about physical therapists now is they are doctors and can prescribe a custom prosthetic. If you have insurance it's worth a look.
hazpat t1_j8thy27 wrote
Reply to Just a knife, paper, and patience by nilsrva
You realize you could have just used a PS filter right?.../s
hazpat t1_j8jnz8c wrote
Reply to comment by stumblewiggins in I guess my car wanted to be sedated by backslashdotcom
Maybe they just understood the reference
hazpat t1_j6aq5g2 wrote
hazpat t1_j69dalz wrote
Reply to comment by huntimir151 in TIL cholera was reintroduced to Haiti after a century by UN peacekeepers responding to the 2010 earthquake. The resulting outbreak was the worst on record, killing 10,000 and infecting 820,000. by theworkinglad
You sure are a great example
hazpat t1_j68yrv9 wrote
hazpat t1_j68uetm wrote
hazpat t1_j68hn2j wrote
Reply to comment by V6Ga in TIL cholera was reintroduced to Haiti after a century by UN peacekeepers responding to the 2010 earthquake. The resulting outbreak was the worst on record, killing 10,000 and infecting 820,000. by theworkinglad
That was a bit of a tangent
hazpat t1_j5lfmm5 wrote
Reply to comment by mr_jim_lahey in Trilobite tridents could be the oldest evidence of male sexual combat — Fighting for mates may be a behaviour that dates back over 400 million years by marketrent
You realize they say multiple times they need more evidence to support their hypothesis right?. They aren't even sure if the species exhibits sexual dimorphism. You seem hyper invested in these authors initial untested hypothesis, you also seem to keep assuming this article has to be true because of peer review... it's literally a hypothesis open for discussion
hazpat t1_jegdey2 wrote
Reply to comment by dogememes_dinoruby in This is my Dalmatian, Dino. He has chondrodysplasia- canine dwarfism. *Corgi for scale by dogememes_dinoruby
They are rounding up.