
headphase t1_jbgoj2x wrote

>the same people doubled down on their sanctuary city, kumbaya bullshit and anyone who disagreed with them was a racist and bigot

Oh please, if you would spend a minute to read the article you would see that the problem isn't about the migrants; the problem is the city's lack of leadership and unfocused, shortsighted approach to the issue. Migrants can become an asset to the city, but only if there is a sustainable, long-term plan to get them on their feet.


headphase t1_iy5mf0n wrote

>overwhelming majority of workers aren't unionized

Huh? That's just wrong. For the examples I gave, DSNY is Teamsters 831 (93% membership) , FDNY is IAFF 94 (82%+ membership)

>If it is a serious issue, likely should change workplace safety rules generally.

The example I gave is just one of many which go beyond the scope of basic OSHA compliance. With even an ounce of critical thinking, you can surely appreciate the amount of protections a labor group can gain for themselves through the collective bargaining process.

By the way, who do you think spent the 20th Century fighting to earn the most basic workplace safety rules (and beyond), if not unions?


headphase t1_iy5adjb wrote

>oppose public sector unions but support private sector ones.

I don't think it's as simple as this; let's consider less-contentious examples like FDNY or Sanitation. Both groups are public servants, and both derive huge (justified) protections for their members.. which arguably would not otherwise exist without representation. No mayor will campaign on buying indoor truck exhaust rigging for every fire station as a cancer prevention measure, because frankly the public doesn't give a shit about (or vote based on) that.

Maybe you'll say "ok, then oppose law enforcement unions only" which is a fair reaction, but I think the argument can still be made that without law enforcement unions, we (the citizens) would endure even worse outcomes in criminal justice and public safety. Consider things like training standards/pay, off-duty support infrastructure (mental health, medical, financial, etc), and protection from improper discipline. It's easy to imagine a city where unrepresented cops/guards act with greater violence, worse competence, and less discretion.

(Disclaimer: private sector union member who sees value in representation for all workers)