
hems86 t1_jeb3nor wrote

When your husband died, his estate inherits the lease. I’m guessing you will solely inherit his estate (unless he left assets to other via a will). The estate will have to settle any debts or maintain them.

So, Kia will likely have you sign paperwork to assume the lease. Since you are the executor of the estate, the decision is yours. You can keep the lease and continue payments or you can surrender the car and break the lease. If you break the lease, you will have to pay any fees or depreciation to Kia as per the lease agreement.


hems86 t1_je62woh wrote

Scopes are zeroed in at a specific distance. You can choose what that distance is. Say 200 yards. You then go to a range and adjust the scope so that the round is hitting the target at 200 yards exactly where the crosshairs are aimed.

Then, most scopes have mil lines across the crosshair lines. Based on the ballistics of the specific ammunition you are shooting, use can use those mil lines to adjust for bullet drop and windage.


hems86 t1_jablo03 wrote

A basic 50/30/20 budget would be a good place to start. That is 50% of your net pay to essentials (rent, utilities, bills, food, car, etc), 30% for wants (eating out, having fun, buying clothes and other wants), and 20% to savings / retirement. At your income would be:

$2,200 for rent, utilities, bills, car, groceries, etc $1,320 for fun $880 to savings

Based on that, $2,200 a month for rent alone is too high for your income. Even cutting back on the 30% wants category, it’s still too high. You probably need to be around $1,300 to $1,400 per month for rent. That means you either need to find a cheaper place to rent or get a roommate to live in a nicer place / area.


hems86 t1_ja3ac5g wrote

A great example of this contrast is the Corvette. Look up a video of the new 2023 C8 Z06 and then compare the sound it makes with any other corvette ever made. The C8 Z06 has a flat plane crank V8 for the first time ever and it sounds like a Ferrari.


hems86 t1_j9uzxag wrote

It would be an utter disaster and crash the economy. Billionaires don’t have a billion dollars of cash sitting in their bank account. It’s all tied up in real estate and shares of stock. For them to give all their wealth away, they would have to sell all of those properties and stock holdings. What do you think happens to the value of a company if 10% or 50% of the shares were sold at once? The price would crash and likely bankrupt that company. Same with real estate. Prices would crash.

So, the average person might get a check for $10,000, but their 401k value is down 95%, their home is now worth 30% less, and they are now unemployed because their company went bankrupt.