
hereticvert t1_j8ruvvo wrote

They grew up in the city, and they're still getting used to it.

Or they're reminding themselves that this is my life now and laughing.

Or reminding themselves that some people freak out when they see this because they grew up where there are paved roads and/or no snow/ice.

Just another winter day on r/Vermont, don't let it bother you. :)


hereticvert t1_j8ruj1r wrote

You're not getting a clear road on dirt in VT in winter. Trying to do that is just a futile endeavor. I've learned to dress my car for the weather (to strain the metaphor): studded tires, AWD car. It comes with the territory (literally).

This is the tradeoff. If you want paved roads clear of ice, move to a city. The dirt road and the weather just DGAF.