
herfalerf724 t1_iwk88s4 wrote

Reply to comment by QWERKey-UK in We Need More 75s by QWERKey-UK

A legitimate criticism. F keys can be easily bound to a layer on the num row. If you absolutely must have a dedicated f row because pressing a function key is hard then just buy a tkl. You get to have a better looking keyboard, get your full nav cluster and barely sacrifice any space compared to a 75.


herfalerf724 t1_iwk71fs wrote

Not sure what you mean. 75% is the form factor of choice for big name brands that want to make a “custom keyboard” (gmmk pro, that keychron thing, drops new turd, mode sonnet, kbd75) as well as a number of recent highly successful actual custom boards like the 7v, tomo, hex 4b and other.

This is all despite 75% being a relatively silly form factor. It’s got goofy proportions, and when done in an exploded layout it’s barely any smaller than a tkl while not looking half as good. Personally I don’t understand why you would need an f row so at that point just get a 65 if you need dedicated arrows or get a 60 if you can handle split right shift and hhkb arrows. 75 literally serves no advantage over any other form factor.