
hesh582 t1_jb730f5 wrote

> historical continuity (known as apostolic succession).

apostolic succession means both a lot more and a lot less than "historic continuity".

You can (and they have...) dramatically reform practices without those reforms even indirectly interfering with apostolic succession, which is about episcopal or ecclesiastical continuity and not necessarily historical continuity writ large.

You could make the doctrinal argument that apostolic continuity prevents female bishops, but I can't really see how you could extend that to anything else these women are asking for.


hesh582 t1_j8yz8pe wrote

That didn't work either, just ask the Soviets.

History may not repeat, but it rhymes, and I'm sure in 10 years this next generation will be coming up with their own version of "Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran" and launching themselves into a ruinous war.

I was really hoping Iraq/Afghanistan would finally put to bed the uniquely US delusion that you can accomplish anything whatsoever with air power alone, but I've been seeing more and more chatter that suggests otherwise. Depressing.


hesh582 t1_j898fti wrote

The news you see when you "look at the news a lot" is a function of the algorithmic media bubbles you've chosen to surround yourself in, not what news outlets have actually chosen to report upon.

Every major outlet has had significant, continual, in depth coverage since the event. If you didn't see that but think you should have, you really ought to take a look at your media diet and figure out why that is.


hesh582 t1_j8982p5 wrote

While it's very locally bad, it's not even close the the worst Ohio has ever seen, much less the US. It's not "mini chernobyl" ffs - the real bulk of the problem comes from the phosgene and hydrogen cloride released in the burning of the vinyl chloride. Very nasty chemicals, but ones that rapidly dissipate.

The Cuyahoga river literally caught on fire 18 times. It used to be an entirely dead waterway. No fish could live there, nothing could live there besides a few invertebrates. The fact that there are even animals present to kill in the first place makes this not nearly as bad as past Ohioan environment debacles.

If you look at the whole country... I mean come on. Google Love Canal. Look at pictures of Centralia, PA, if you want an example of an actual Chernobyl-like exclusion zone in the US. This is unfortunate and will certainly not be without consequences, but we're way better at destroying the planet than this. It's not even that bad in the narrow category of "rail disaster chemical spills" - the 1979 Mississauga derailment makes this look trivial.

It has also been reported on extensively, in every major outlet. Come on, not everything needs to be shades of conspiracy. If you're not seeing anything about it, that's more of a symptom of the algorithmic media bubble you've chosen for yourself than a lack of reporting.

The disaster was bad, but perspective still matters. It's being treated in social media as practically apocalyptic, and it just isn't. The real tragedy here looks to be how avoidable it was, and that should be the focus.

Oh, and if it will actually be a Chernobyl-like long term disaster that will permanently contaminate the area and limit human habitation, it will be the best thing to happen to the Ohio environment in a long time.


hesh582 t1_j5pi8lh wrote

roof raking is really not that bad imo.

you're not actually trying to scrape the roof clean, you're just dislodging some weight. it's fine to do a halfassed job. the position is a lot more comfortable for your back too.

waaay better than shoveling even if it's a pain in the ass to get the roof rake out.


hesh582 t1_j1t7qsx wrote

Reply to comment by ol-gormsby in BIFL Kitchen Essentials by frannybones

Note that metal means "solid decent quality stainless steel" or something, not "any metal tool".

Even nylon spatulas will outlast cheap chinese plated pot metal spatulas. Even some relatively "mid-high end" brands sometimes use worthless metal, and generic "metal" is not necessarily better than plastic.


hesh582 t1_izlejvt wrote

Reply to comment by Mewexx_ in Just moved here by Mewexx_

> lobster fishing

There's some baggage associated with this one. You can do some amateur lobstering without issue, but if you aren't plugged into the local scene it's easier than you might think to step on toes or otherwise piss people off. Lobstermen aren't... nice, to put it politely.


A lot easier to get into if you have some firearms experience, but there are a lot of rules. Read them, follow them.


hesh582 t1_iwmnwiu wrote

I think it's going to be a lot less interesting than people think.

They're domesticated animals, bred for docility for a couple centuries. They never learned to hunt as pups. They've never seen anything but a cage. They've never eaten live prey. They're small animals with no experience dealing with predators. They're all starting in a small area that can't support even a fraction of them. It's almost winter. They're incredibly high metabolism animals that must eat constantly to survive.

Also... one thing to note. Mink farms are continually leaking mink into the surrounding ecosystem. Always and forever. It probably actually hurts the local mink population (these are native to the area) in the long run by introducing subpar domesticate traits into the wild population.

There will be a brief and localized surge in predation, then the overwhelming majority will starve to death and the mink population will rapidly return to where it was before, with worse genetics. In a couple years there may actually be fewer mink than there were before.


hesh582 t1_iwmlxfh wrote

This probably isn't that true, as much as the news is pushing this hysteria.

They're domesticated animals. Weasels learn to hunt by watching their parents. These animals have never seen anything but a cage. They might cause some damage, but I don't think it's going to be that much. Fur mink are not wild animals and are not going to be effective hunters. Especially since we're going straight into winter, and they won't have time to learn.

Most of them will be dead in a couple weeks :-/


hesh582 t1_ireobe9 wrote

Maybe it was interesting at one point, but this has been tried so many goddamn times and we know what happens.

It works a bit, at first. Then the local real economy becomes more and more black market, while the "official" economy grows more and more fucked.

Eventually, if it's taken far enough everything dependent on imports breaks down. Which, today, generally means "everything".