
highchillerdeluxe t1_jdw7jtz wrote

You probably not search correctly. They use general pcb manufacturers because from a pcb standpoint, keyboards aren't any special. They are actually rather easy to make (unless you have any weird specific features).

OSHPark (based in the US) is probably the most well known PCB manufacturer for the general public outside of China. Most people would say they have superior quality but you pay more, obviously. The typical tradeoff.

PS: I'm sorry. I just noticed you asked for the entire keyboard manufacturing pipeline rather than PCBs only... I didn't delete this post because it might still interesting for OP...


highchillerdeluxe t1_j62s2r9 wrote

I didnt know that. I'm sorry I asked... Could you please provide me a better search query than? Because "usb housing led", "usb connector housing light", or similar doesn't bring up anything. Actually I only found one item thanks to Google at rncables but nothing on aliexpress.

If that's also not allowed, just ignore my post please! >!!<