
hiruki8 t1_ixlme1g wrote

Hi! I also make that amount in an entry level position. My partner and I split a 2BR that costs 2.8k a month. My bills for 2 people:

Rent: 2.8k

Groceries: ~400

Gas+electric: ~50

Transit:paid by work

Comcast: I think 50?

And I'm on a family plan for my phone so I actually don't make a phone payment. I'll tak on an extra ~200 for eating out because it's expensive here but also because it's expensive here we don't eat out that much but just to over estimate.

Water: landlord made it seem like I had to pay this and when I tried to set it up with the city, they laughed and said no no no, that's not something you have to worry about, so.. yeah 0

For me, if I pay half so probably ~$1.8kish a month. I also pay insurance and 401k contributions.

I did some math on my bank account and I'm saving >2k a month. I think you'll be fine. Of course, idk if this is a good number it's just more money than I ever thought I'd have in my life. Can't exactly buy a house here for... many many years, unless you want to have a crazy commute and then also pay insane fees to own a car.

Good luck out here. It's still crazy how expensive the market is out here but you can afford it comfortably. If you get a chance, join the number of people pushing for more affordable housing and it will help push all of the rents down, eventually.

Edit: formatting for easier reading on mobile