
hmurphy2023 t1_j8g95ns wrote

>soon enough, it'll probably be able to handle 95% of any knowledge tasks that you ask it to do.

I consider myself an AI optimist, but even I don't believe this.

Knowledge tasks (in general) are a lot more complicated than you're making them seem, and there's lots of aspects to those tasks that are not covered by lms and will likely require new AI breakthroughs to be able to handle them one day, rather than just scaled-up lms.

I think you're being a bit too optimistic.


hmurphy2023 t1_iytaya1 wrote

Reply to comment by tatleoat in The year in conclusion by Opticalzone

I respect your opinion, too. =)

I guess it depends on how many of those jobs exist and how easy they are to automate, and how fast the AI gets adopted at companies.

I will say that the CEO of Adept has said on some occasions that goal of the company is to augment and not replace humans.


hmurphy2023 t1_iys9s3p wrote

Reply to comment by tatleoat in The year in conclusion by Opticalzone

I disagree.

If you look at the world around you right now, you'll realize it looks pretty similar to the way the world has looked for a long time, despite the advancements we've made in AI and other technologies. Sure things have changed, but the overall shape of the daily lives of humans and society has pretty much been the same for quite some time.

I highly doubt that we'll just step into a new year next year and that in the span of that year, society will undergo so much sudden and abrupt change that it'll look completely different than just the year before.

Technology will continue advancing and changing society, but it'll be gradual IMO. However, I do think society will look pretty different a decade from now, and even more so in 2050.


hmurphy2023 t1_itf3mow wrote

>It's 2024 that we'll start noticing genuine changes to our very collective psyche and general condition as a result of technology.

Such massive changes will be imposed upon humanity in just 2 years?? Color me skeptical, as an incomprehensible amount of technological progress and societal mass adoption would have to occur in just one pair of years for such changes to come to pass in 2024. But nonetheless I respect your opinion 😊.