
holyoak t1_iwa812c wrote

Just gonna copy and paste this reply, cuz this exact question keeps being asked.

There is a distinction between 'all of Snopes' and 'things Snopes definitely got correct'.

The authors are very clear about making this distinction.


holyoak t1_iwa7v8e wrote

Just gonna copy and paste this reply, cuz this exact question keeps being asked.

There is a distinction between 'all of Snopes' and 'things Snopes definitely got correct'.

The authors are very clear about making this distinction.


holyoak t1_iwa7rf0 wrote

Just gonna copy and paste this reply, cuz this exact question keeps being asked.

There is a distinction between 'all of Snopes' and 'things Snopes definitely got correct'.

The authors are very clear about making this distinction.


holyoak t1_iwa773t wrote

You seem to have trouble with the distinction between all of Snopes and things Snopes definitely got correct.

The authors are very clear about making this distinction.


holyoak t1_iwa6uwc wrote

I can wish people were not obsessed with the Kardashians.

You can wish Snopes didn't write about farts.

Ultimately, the world is a better place when we don't get to decide what other people enjoy or do with their time.