
horitaku t1_jabwzb7 wrote

Castration (the chemical kind) has been a punishment and as far as I know has also been used to “help rehabilitate” sex offenders who are likely to reoffend. The idea is that really bad offenders would lose use of their member, but as a rehab practice the hope was the libido would drop…Problem is, that doesn’t stop the big M word from happening, and other…types of R can still occur. People are shit. Some people are not without hope, but there’s a large number that will just keep doing their gross exploits if given a smidge of opportunity. Love the glass half full mentality, but the realist in me just feels like rehab and reintegration isn’t always in the cards


horitaku t1_iw6buj7 wrote

Reply to comment by tastycrust in Secret Menu (oc) by tastycrust

"The input images?" What does that mean?

AI is a great tool that artists can use to create reference for finished pieces, for sure, but if it stops at the AI reference photo and gets passed off as original art, that doesn't set a great precedent for the finer arts as a whole. Anyone can copy and paste. Now paint it, or at least render it in Procreate or something.


horitaku t1_iuqq63t wrote

I was one of those saying it wasn't love. I'm still saying it now. I KNOW it feels like it, because I had a similar phase with a dude, feeling like he was the fucking one. I was 18. Stupid. No fucking idea what love was, at all, but I thought I'd know it when it hit me. I did. It wasn't with him. He's a distant, pale memory to me now.

Love is shared. I get the feeling you strongly adored him, and he didn't reciprocate. It's not weird we don't believe you were actually in love yet. I've seen a lot of young relationships burn hot and fizzle out even faster. Tack the LGBTQ+ tag and it can go faster still. The number of times I've heard my darling coworker say something like, "I think I've found something really special in him." after a couple of weeks is astounding.

I fell in love with my husband in roughly 3 months. So same sort of time frame. So it's possible, I guess, but...real love...I mean real love...is incredibly rare, especially when you're young...18, 19 is young as fuck. Keep your guard up against your emotions, is all I'm saying. A lot of them might be more fleeting than you think, and you'll only damage yourself more by dwelling on them instead of letting them process and pass.
