
houle333 t1_jcpxeii wrote

Bravo to whatever real estate agent convinced you that a 2300 square foot house is 4600 square feet.

I can't imagine the level of self control it took to tell you that with a straight face.


houle333 OP t1_jbeo17e wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Don't NYC my Connecticut by houle333

Wait till they whine about wanting sidewalks for a "walkable" downtown. Then the town will waste millions on a sidewalk from the library to the church that none of the new yorkers go to.

And fcking demand for dog parks "there's no where safe to walk my dog there are too many cars on the back country roads in the town that no one has even heard of, this community of 5 acre zoned rural farm houses needs dog parks and 12 square feet pollinator gardens"


houle333 t1_j70kdwv wrote

Hey, you wrote "bottom feeders" but that's kinda inaccurate. You should have written "group of private investors that includes Lamont's wife as a limited partner".

Wouldn't want people to get the wrong impression and think you are implying that the Lamont's are bottom feeders.


houle333 t1_ixihzd1 wrote

You are delusional for saying southington fits in on a list of top towns in non Fairfield county CT.

You are delusional for such an absurd response to being called out on it.

And you are delusional for responding to OP's specific questions about specific towns with "Hey look at me I'm so important that you should move to the town that I live in that isn't on your list because I'm so important"


houle333 t1_iwhhcjp wrote

It was reasonable pre-pandemic.

When the pandemic hit they just decided to raise their prices 5% EVERY month.

Last time I walked in to the one in Manchester the cashier was literally standing on a ladder raising the prices on the board. They had to come down to take my order. And of course even though the new price was not completely up on the board I was charged the new higher price.

But it is way better tasting than any other burger spot nearby.

It's like they raised prices so frequently that they couldn't take care of it either before the store opened or after closing time.


houle333 t1_iu11wty wrote

This is a good point. Numbers based on miles as a standard makes lots of sense in a world where people use paper maps to navigate somewhere new.

But fast forward to the 2020's and there might be 12 people under 60 years of age in the entire state that currently use paper maps.

Smart phone ubiquity and Google maps just straight up leap frogged us past a "future proof" standardization plan.


houle333 t1_itheyex wrote

There are towns in CT with some of the best public schools in the country. And therefore there are private schools in the state that are way better than your average private school in other states. My relatives in the south send their kids to private school and field trips are to the creationist museum. The private school my child attends in CT has their own planetarium and research level telescopes. It's a completely different world.


houle333 t1_itbt3dz wrote

Hold up. We just lived through a once a century pandemic where the police universally refused to take the smallest of steps to care about their fellow humans, routinely walking into any and all businesses maskless before the vaccine was developed then refusing to get the vaccine when it was made available to them first.

And then you think the rest of us are supposed to give a fck about them.

Fck that. Fck them. And fck you


houle333 t1_itbt106 wrote

Hold up. We just lived through a once a century pandemic where the police universally refused to take the smallest of steps to care about their fellow humans, routinely walking into any and all businesses maskless before the vaccine was developed then refusing to get the vaccine when it was made available to them first.

And then you think the rest of us are supposed to give a fck about them.

Fck that. Fck them. And fck you.