
hypnos_surf t1_ja9obng wrote

Switch it up.

Do cardio, weights/toning, core or whichever is in your regiment on different days. Not only does it break up the usual, but you will actually feel the difference and you are working on everything.

I hate weights preferring cardio and more fast paced exercises but because it is challenging, I feel it the next day. My body gets out of the rut and I actually feel the burn.

Music, making it fun and having ideal goals/inspiration is what really does it. Make it something to look forward to to jam out and play.


hypnos_surf t1_ja5s9kh wrote

I’m not exactly sure about your situation, but you don’t have to completely end your career in professional sports. Find positions with your local professional teams. Maybe work with agents coaches or other people at a pro level.

It will allow you to live and breathe sports while still being relevant in the field if actually playing isn’t an option right now.


hypnos_surf t1_iz6x6dc wrote

Sometimes religions and spiritual practices evolve through exchange whether it happens naturally or forcefully. Sometimes if you want religion to catch on, you have to package it so it is appealing. Christian holidays are established to correspond with pagan holidays or certain Christian figures reflect the loa in voodoo.

Christianity spread quickly because it was applicable for everyone at the time. Martyrs willing to die going against the Roman Empire as well as question some of the Jewish laws. It accepted everyone and anyone can become part of the religion. It really became more mainstream when Constantine, became the first Christian emperor as mentioned in other posts.


hypnos_surf t1_iyyvqps wrote

Egyptian history spans thousands of years and is now a modern country.

It stood the test of time evolving along the way but has always been known for its history even since the ancient Greeks. The ancient Romans visited the ruins of Egypt similar to people today visiting ruins in Rome.

The fact it stood so long as a population center throughout history allowed it to keep its historical reputation than say Babylon or Mesopotamia.