
hyseung t1_j1yabxm wrote

Please people for the love of all things holy, check your PCB before you do anything with it. This isn't JUST to protect you from vendors in the event your PCB is faulty. It's also to save you from completing a build (worse with solder, especially mill max) and realizing after troubleshooting that your PCB is a dud.

I recently had a Derivative PCB that was acting funny after I put it together. You know what the saving grace was? That the PCB was fine during testing. All the other troubleshooting steps came AFTER since I knew where to start. I didn't damage any pads or traces, daughterboard/JST cable swap didn't fix the issue, and I used flux for the first time. Ultimately found that flux got onto a diode and pulled some solder onto it.

Checking your PCB prior will allow you to troubleshoot and save you a lot of stress, headache, grief, effort, and time.