
i010011010 t1_jaccppt wrote

I enjoyed it. Nevermind the story happening in the background, and I never cared for BL before. This one finally felt like the gameplay was refined enough to hold my interest, and I rarely play first-person games.

I picked up BL2 to go back and see if my opinion would change, and it has not. That game is rough by comparison, even simple quality-of-life changes were immediately missed.

The setting for BL seems promising, if only another team could take it over and spin it into something more like a Bioware classic. Would love to see what they could do putting a real story and characters (plus companions) to it, instead of being another shoot-and-loot.


i010011010 t1_ja6ny7s wrote

Worked for Plants vs Zombies. They took a commercial game and injected a bunch of IAP into it. Then when they developed a fully freemium one that was built from ground-up around IAP, they started disappearing the alternative.

At least this proves that if people had the choice, they'd take the pay-once version.