
iJasonator t1_is9rpfj wrote

This is the problem. You accept 30% as “progress” and you only get 30%….

This leads to mass acceptance and eventually a break down in society.

I used many cross life examples, not just work.

I will agree that for a very select few (proportionate to the population) that 30% is ok. Is disabled, clinically depressed, and other maladies….

This cannot be a “motivational” poster.


iJasonator t1_is9qmc6 wrote

BULLSH1T. If I hire a person and I trust them to do a job that they only give 30% to and it takes me a week to find out….then I just lost: time, clients, reputation, repeat business, and least importantly money.

This is the very definition of toxic positivity and should be avoided.

“Here’s your participation trophy, for giving 30%”

“You did got a 30% out of a 100%, great job!”

“You got out of bed and made breakfast” (it’s 6pm)

“You benched 30% of your reps, amazing”

“I started dinner, but didn’t finish the other 70%”
