
iThinkaLot1 t1_j2w27fc wrote

> and other foreign citizens from Freetown

That doesn’t sound like self interest then does it?

> Uranium and oil in Mali

As the other commenter said. There is none.

> you might want to read what Taylor Branch had to say

Why would I care what Taylor Branch had to say with regards to genocide in the Balkans. I care more about what the people of Kosovo had to say - you know the people who where slaughtered. In that case I’ll just leave this here:

> Tonibler is a male given name in Kosovo, given in honour of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair following his role in the 1999 NATO air campaign against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia during the Kosovo War.


iThinkaLot1 t1_j2vl791 wrote

The West stopped ethnic cleansing in the Balkans. The UK stopped a civil war in Sierra Leone. France was helping fight against Islamic terrorists in Mali.

I agree its not always morality driven. In fact I’d say its mostly not - it’s mostly driven by self interest. But there has been times where interventions have had in part been driven by morals.