
i_330 t1_j8y17ve wrote

It's probably a tiny bit more than that (I would estimate low 200s), which is good money, but people often forget the INSANE amounts of debt we take on for med school. I'm finishing up my third year and 200k in the hole, and I'm one of the lucky ones because I don't have undergrad debt. Some of my classmates are on track to hit $500k in debt by graduation :(


i_330 t1_j8xzrj9 wrote

That is patently untrue lmao. There are some surgical specialists (cardiac, neurosurgery, plastics) who make 700+, but not many. 300-450k is more in range for general surgery, and these are people who have been through 5 years of grueling residency and usually have $250-500k in student loan debt to pay off. Surgery is not as sweet a deal as it seems to the general public, in fact it's widely regarded in medicine as a specialty for insane people.