
i_can_has_rock t1_j9nlnlp wrote

Reply to comment by Siliskk in Time dilation question by [deleted]

tl,dr: i agree with you and my similar theory is the same as yours, just a few orders of magnitude out from the center but still applies to what your saying

ive had a very similar thought and took it to the extent that time outside of the reach of the black hole in the center of a galaxy may be almost immeasurably different than anything caught in its field past the very edge of the field. the true time constant. essentially viewing a galaxy from the point of view where you arent affected by dilation at all; to me, would seem that every galaxy would pop in to and out of existence almost immediately. all observable light from other galaxies would essentially be filtered through our own galaxy's black hole dilation gradient; so, its entirely possible that both perspectives are happening simultaneously; which would infer that, if we ever left our galaxy to get to another galaxy, it would have already evaporated because we left the dilation field.

your line of reasoning seems sound to me. the only thing that might vary between your hypothesis and reality would be the varying degrees of dilation vs the distance to the black hole

the whole thread ended really badly for me, so good luck