
i_nobes_what_i_nobes t1_jefq427 wrote

Outside of Providence.

But in all seriousness, if you don’t mind a 15 to 20 minute drive, depending on the day, I would look for something in Cranston or Warwick. Providence is getting more expensive by the day. But if you absolutely have to live in Providence, I try to find some thing with roommates so it’s at least affordable.


i_nobes_what_i_nobes t1_iwqhtel wrote

I know you’re getting down voted, and I understand where you’re coming from. Because it’s hard to take the people that we know personally who we know are good people who happen to do that job, and put them in the same category as the absolutely horrible people who do that job so that they can fuck with other people. It’s a tough place to be when you know a police officer because they’re a part of your life and you have to put them in the same category as all of the shitty people that they work with.

But the problem arises with the good cops, when they don’t do anything about the bad ones. There’s a reason the saying goes “one bad apple spoils the bunch“, because it’s true. And even though you can try to pick that one apple out it’s already made the rest of the apples shitty.