
iamisg t1_ixvp800 wrote

There is a little bit of light triad and dark triad in each of us, ~30% of light more on average, according to Scott Barry Kaufman (Light: treating people as ends into themselves, valuing their dignity and worth , believing in the fundamental goodness of humans vs Dark: self-importance, strategic exploitation and deceit, callousness and cynicism). Another interesting question is whether this average balance score is changing in modern populations.


iamisg t1_ir1r8dk wrote

Well, it's a "no bell" prize.

The Nobel Committee is always slow and awards are long overdue. The average waiting time is over 20 years. 25 years even for Zeilinger.


iamisg t1_ir0tr8o wrote

Quantum biology is another interesting emerging field. One of less discussed views of ageing is a reduced ability to maintain quantum signatures, e.g. utilization of quantum tunneling by mitochondria.