
iamneel t1_j1prjw6 wrote

Muslim nationalists came over here and are threatening our Hindu population. Those are also facts.

America is allied with India, this is not oblivious to people, unless you're living under a rock. Your own president visited India a few months ago and made it public.

But this argument has nothing to do with America's allies. It's about how BOTH factions commit the same hate crimes against each other and how you blindly blame only one of them.

I would happily talk to any muslim on this matter as long as they're not ignorant and biased like you.


iamneel t1_j1pa3y1 wrote

I don't think it's right to only blame the Indians for this. Hatred towards muslims is something that occurs all over the globe, regardless of ethnicity. You Americans abused and murdered countless muslims during the aftermath of 9/11. I guess it's completely justified when a white person does it :) You speak with such confidence that this was the action of "Hindu nationalists" just because they circulated the events of the Mumbai attacks. It could've been anyone, just using any of the hundreds of terrorist attacks worldwide as an example to spread their hate. Please don't blindly put the blame on Indians without getting your facts right.