
ichoosejif t1_j39cf8t wrote

underfunded? Has anyone seen the funding?I am so sick of this excuse. It has been stated again ad again. Maine should not be rewarded in funding for such a shit program. There's more than enough funding, it's far worse than it appears. If 'funding' was the issue, at some point in Maine DHHS history they had to have some gain or become effective in some cases....nope. Maine is'nt capable of looking beyond the conflict$ to care about little kids. Maine is open for business, the system is'nt broken, it's going swimmingly for the State.


ichoosejif t1_j39blod wrote

ONE Dr. (private contract) is the only person who can decide if a child has been abused in Maine. This doctor is so far above and beyond his colleagues in determining child abuse, that his word cannot be disturbed. He knows better than even the kids reporting abuse. Last I checked, the Dr. controls (thru dhhs) all the child abuse, aging, adoption, behavioral and mental health. It's a shock that a Dr. lauded as the 'only' child abuse expert pediatrician in the country could have such a margin for error.


If anyone wants their mind blown look at the federal funding coming into this state annually. Possibly exceeds social welfare. B billions.

Maine citizens have to take a look at this. The children need us.