
icky_boo t1_jbppasy wrote

We don't care about the price jack up because what we are paying for is the warranty and quality of the machines, consumer grade machines simply DO NOT LAST in the office work place, We consider the tax write off as a bonus.

You stick to your idea that everyone is in it to scam etc but until you actually work in a office that has to deal with 1000+ business machines you'll never understand. I used to be a naive end user consumer like you til I got into the business world.


icky_boo t1_jbpovjd wrote

This is EXACTLY right.. companies have images for this exact reason , downtime costs our company around $10k a system a day on each laptop we have (we've got around 1000 end users and around 1300 machines). This is why we have 100 spare Dell's in storage and just re-image them as soon as we have a issue then deal with the broken one later then put that one into storage.


icky_boo t1_jbpfnga wrote

These laptops are NOT meant for consumers. They are aimed at businesses that can afford it because of the warranty. We use them at work because there's a 3 year onsite warranty which means someone will come with either a replacement machine or to repair it within 4hrs of us logging a issue. This is what you are paying for.

Businesses also can afford it because it's a tax write off and they replace the machines after warranty expires anyways.


icky_boo t1_jbpfflz wrote

These laptops are NOT meant for consumers. They are aimed at businesses that can afford it because of the warranty. We use them at work because there's a 3 year onsite warranty which means someone will come with either a replacement machine or to repair it within 4hrs of us logging a issue. This is what you are paying for.

Businesses also can afford it because it's a tax write off and they replace the machines after warranty expires anyways.


icky_boo t1_j5aokw3 wrote

She didn't loose a thing, the family still has the business. You people need to actually read and comprehend things better. She was probably never even meant to have any of the money if they've been grooming her for monkhood all this time.

"Jain families are sometimes said to encourage their children to enter the monkhood to enhance their relatives' social standing."
