
iclimbnaked t1_j24n5ls wrote

Some people have kinda touched on this but at it’s simplest….

Show up to the same place at a regular time that other people regularly show up.

Being around the same people tends to be how friendships occur. You naturally just kinda do it as your regularly around them. When we’re young this happens automatically at school. As adults it can happen at work but coworkers are often in diff stages of life so it’s more of a hurdle. Granted plenty of my friend are past/current coworkers.

The simplest way is some sort of sport, activity, club etc. like you’ll inevitably make friends with people on a sports team you play on.

If you go to the same gym every Tuesday, others will be there and friendships may follow. Yes takes a bit more active effort there but still.

Same with I’m sure volunteering places etc.

A shared regular activity is the easiest way to make friends.


iclimbnaked t1_iy89p6f wrote

Many people have thought a “looming recession” was coming just for it to not ever come.

What you’re describing is trying to time the market.

If it’s actually 96% likely a recession is coming then that’s already priced into the market today as investors would already know this and take money out now.

Just buy and hold. Time in the market always beats timing the market. Buy stocks and don’t look at their value ever.


iclimbnaked t1_ixaf5dc wrote

Each country is allowed their rules.

That doesn’t mean said rules deserve respect. Never going to respect active discrimination

That’s also life as we know it. Respect is earned. Not defaulted to.

Plenty of countries have done all kinds of evil things. They don’t deserve respect for them just bc they’re a country.

The world has the freedom to judge Qatar for its actions. No ones owed respect by default hiding behind “culture”. Remember, Qatar invited this spotlight on themselves, if they didn’t want criticism than don’t invite the world to your country.

I’d also argue whatever things Muslims are punished for doing in Europe/USA also shouldn’t be respected. (Assuming it doesn’t harm anyone)Pretty simple


iclimbnaked t1_ixaap8w wrote

There’s a difference between okay with and actively jailing people for it.

I’m not okay with incest but if two adults choose to do that. Then whatever. I can think it’s disgusting but they absolutely shouldn’t be jailed for it. (Things do get fuzzy here given it can result in harmful genetic abnormalities to a potential child)

I can be friendly with someone who thinks being gay is wrong. I’m never going to be friendly with someone who thinks people should be jailed for things they can’t change about themselves. Ie think being gay is wrong all you want. Jailing and discriminating for it is the line.

Not going to police anyone’s thoughts even if I disagree. It’s when you take the action of discrimination that it changes.

It’s not deserving of respect anymore than racism or religious discrimination is.

Also you can not be enemies but still think it’s totally valid to call out your friends when they’re being shitty people.


iclimbnaked t1_ixa5sji wrote

In no way does it not being purely genetic not mean it’s not innate. If it’s not a choice you make you shouldn’t be discriminated for it. It’s dead simple.

Regardless the study you link doesn’t rule it out as genetic in the first place. It rules it out as a simple handful of genes. Could be it’s a pretty complex interaction of them.

I’d agree with your premise of don’t show up to a country and protest things if Qatar themselves didn’t invite the world. At that point it’s totally fair to call them out for their BS.

You don’t choose to be black, you don’t choose to be gay. No cultural norms of repressing either deserves respect.

Hell I don’t think say jailing of Muslims even if it was a “cultural norm” should be respected and that’s something that is a choice. You choose your religion.


iclimbnaked t1_ixa15ex wrote

Where in my statement did I say it was genetic.

I said innate.

Gay people don’t choose to be gay. Whether that is some genetic combo or something about the environment or not is irrelevant.

But way to immediately misuse the study though. It looked at if any single gene or handful of genes causes it. Just bc it’s not that simple doesn’t make it not genetic. Like literally the article you link says genetics plays a part.

Edit: I get I say born that way. Meant that as more of a sexual orientation isn’t something you choose. It’s just who you are. Not that it’s literally down to a gay gene.


iclimbnaked t1_ix9xrpj wrote

Pretty simple. Anything that suppresses/vilifies innate traits of people (assuming it doesn’t infringe on others). IE racism is never okay or worthy of respect even if it’s baked into a culture. Same with sexual orientation.

If you’re born that way, no one gets to hide behind “cultural norms” for being against it.

Doesn’t deserve respect.

Especially when you openly invite the world to your country for a global event where you absolutely knew this would be an issue. Don’t bid for a global event if you can’t handle the criticism for it


iclimbnaked t1_ix9vu52 wrote

Not all cultural aspects deserve respect though.

I think we all know why they’re banning these things. We get it’s their viewpoints. Don’t sign up to host the world game if you don’t want the world expressing itself on that stage.

Basically yah we get why they’re banning these things, but don’t expect people to be okay with it.