
icpooreman t1_jaf120b wrote

If it’s a match from your employer. Hell yes keep funding it.

If you’re worried about a stock market crash…. I don’t know which way the market will move tomorrow but I can tell you if you have a 10-20 year time horizon it’ll be a temporary drop (Look at the market 10-20 years ago vs now & we’ve had plenty of drops).

If you’re worried about losing your job in a recession and needing cash…. That’s more of a valid reason for not funding it for a bit.


icpooreman t1_jaa4ywv wrote

So to those animals…. We all kind-of look alike as well.

You are biased, you have been genetically engineered to identify and remember small changes from face to face that if you weren’t a human wouldn’t be anywhere as recognizable. Heck, sometimes your own dog has to smell you before they fully recognize you (plus dogs have way more looks between breeds than humans do).

Plus, a lot of our biggest differences are simply fashion choices. Other animals tend not to have fancy clothes or hairstyles. Strip that away and do we look that different?

Plus, humans conquered the globe. So the differences between like italians and asians has more to do with having lived on different parts of the globe for a long time. Like there are lots of different deer out there because they’re everywhere and they evolved to their various environments. If they ever invented airplanes and started mixing you’d also cite diversity.


icpooreman t1_ja60943 wrote

The big bang happened everywhere. We can only see as far into the past as the radiation from that event will let us.

Pretend you’re at a fixed point inside a very smoky half filled balloon. Then somebody starts filling the balloon with clear air and now you can start seeing stuff as the smoke disappates. But you can never really see what the inside of the balloon was like before or during the smoky period.

And the balloon just keeps expanding at an accelerating rate.

And also the balloon may be infinite / may have always been infinite / but you don’t know because you can’t see further back than the smoky period. You’ve never seen an edge, the smoke was the edge, was the smoke infinite? And the only thing you have to figure it out is math that you know is wrong.

Basically there may not be an edge. The big bang happened and we can’t see an edge in any direction. Just more places that experienced the big bang just like we did.