
idlechatterbox t1_jc0hxz5 wrote

It's about a 4 hour drive each way for me but I listen to audiobooks and podcasts so I feel like it's at least a productive drive. I think it would be less from Philly, the key is to drive at off times. I usually leave Sunday by noon and Tuesday by 6ish. I also take the TZ because the GW is miserable no matter what time it is. Good luck!


idlechatterbox t1_jc0gc54 wrote

I live in PA about 2h15m West of Philly. I drive up to CT Sunday nights and drive back Tuesday. Used to live in Stamford but life changed and my employer worked with me on it. Still pays better than any job I could get out where I live and my commuting costs + living expenses are still less than my living expenses were in Stamford with no commute.