
ieleiat_hogwarts_edu t1_j9rg92c wrote

Congratulations on being admitted to both schools! A lot of people have already recommended things to think about (cost, cultural fit, academic experience). It’s important to think about what’s most important to you in your college experience. Is location more important than what the dorms are like? What classroom experience are you looking for? Once you answer those types of questions for yourself, it may be more clear which school is better for you. If you haven’t already and have the ability to visit both schools, that can be another way to learn more (and if not in person, some schools offer virtual tours or information sessions). Good luck!


ieleiat_hogwarts_edu t1_j28rsyv wrote

I’ve noticed some restaurants put it in as a line item on the subtotal, so it looks like the tax is being calculated on top of that + also the suggested gratuity includes tipping on top of the kitchen fee. That seems wrong to tip on top of a service fee? The goal of better wages for staff is great, but don’t feel like the kitchen appreciation fee is the best way to achieve it.