
ignore_me_im_high t1_jegec6b wrote

Chuck Norris did ok for himself and he's probably the most average looking person ever. His beard had always been a joke, he's essentially a woodshop teacher from the 70s.

Jackie Chan? Hasn't looked tough for a day in his life.... so I think you're "reasoning" leaves more than a little to be desired.


ignore_me_im_high t1_jee04vg wrote

Right.... and if Cynthia Rothrock didn't get those extra takes and those other actors did, then it's easy to see why someone might think she wasn't as good at acting.

I mean, in their first English speaking roles neither Jet Li or JCVD could even speak English and were just doing lines phonetically. It was awful to say the least, and both those actors getting to be in bigger films had nothing to do with acting ability. Cynthia was easily on their level at the very least.


ignore_me_im_high t1_iu9adpx wrote

Personally I think the idea is shite and I'm not surprised Whedon thought it was cool. The idea of 'Xenomorphs on Earth' and how that would have to be executed is basically the opposite of what made the first Alien film so good.

I just think it becomes a very mundane story at that point, pure action, because you know it's just trying to make things 'bigger and better' than AlienS. It's basically just 'Starship Troopers on Earth', only done without any satire or self-awareness..