
ihadtologinforthis t1_j7zj8oa wrote

I mean it could be both she is happy and was also glad her babysitter could find the same happiness in her art.

Encouragement and praise isn't always going to work if the kid just isn't interested. Maybe they'll keep going if it makes their parents happy but they won't be. Definitely didn't work on me lol I liked the activity but not enough to want to keep doing it just cause my parent liked it.


ihadtologinforthis t1_ivmm43i wrote

Honestly who cares of it was was an "educated" decision or not. It's a headcovering, whether a woman wears one or not shouldn't have any real impact in the world. The reason to wear a hijab in the first place is a ridiculous one anyway, if men have such trouble controlling themselves it should be they who should wear an eye covering, maybe cuff their hands too if y'all are so worried.

The only reason to put on head wear should be if you want to or need one as the weather dictates. Not because of religion.