
ilikeyoureyes t1_isb21i0 wrote

I guess I was just lucky where I was sitting > > Parade incident: Olivia Knight, a Penn Township resident who was riding on the float, said she moved to Manheim four years ago, and this was the first time she experienced the Farm Show Parade. “I expected some negative feedback, however, I was astounded by the physical acts of violence (candy throwing) from the spectators, not just in one location, but throughout the parade,” she said. Borough resident Donna Hlavacek said she has been one of the riders on the organization’s float in the past, but wasn’t on it this year and wasn’t aware that riders had candy thrown at them until after the parade. “For many years the Democrats have experienced verbal taunts, catcalls, boos, etc. While unpleasant, it is the right of any citizen to express an opinion. This year, the verbal expression elevated into physical acts. The objects were thrown with force, and what was candy this year can easily progress to more harmful objects next year,” she said. She said the organization is asking borough leadership to express their concern to Farm Show leaders and for additional security for next year’s parade. When contacted after the meeting, Knight said committee Chair Joshua Bennett contacted the Manheim Farm Show committee via email Oct. 9 or 10 to alert them about the incident. >


ilikeyoureyes t1_irb2h16 wrote

Hey we can knock Manheim, but last night I was at their farm show parade, and for the first time in the many years I've attended, I heard silence when the republican party float went by, and cheers when the democrat party float went by. I went to a wedding the other weekend and on our trip through rural Lancaster county, the Fetterman/Shapiro yard signs outnumbered the Oz/Mastriano ones significantly, which was another first for me in this area.