
ilritorno t1_ivkqi32 wrote

If I had to give a ballpark figure for fun, I'd guess that 60-70% of professional athletes dope.

There was an anonymous test, I think it was done a while ago by the Athletics federation. 40% admitted to taking some banned substances in the last year or something like that. We can assume that it's an even higher threshold given the incentives and how cutthroat is the competition between elite athletes.

Edit: lol it was actually 57%


ilritorno t1_ivk8ivm wrote

This is most likely nothing. Players are not glowing during tournaments, they micro-dose during training, knowing exactly what to do and how to do it not to test positive. Whoever thinks that a "secret drink" during a match is how you dope, doesn't understand what a doping program is. But are we supposed to care anyway with the joke that tennis antidoping is? When is the last time they caught anyone relevant? How many more miraculous diets articles are we supposed to read with a straight face? Or how many more ghost injuries with players disappearing from the tour?