
imironman2018 t1_jeazm28 wrote

I have had a meh experience with NJM.

They also were one of the lowest cost for insurance companies. progressive jacked my rates up almost 250% even though I didn't get into any accidents or have any tickets.

NJM has a discount where they have you install their safe driver app. it is really terrible. it constantly doesn't work and drains your battery in the background. I would suggest installing it on a dummy cell phone that you rarely use and dont ever bring with you. their safe driver app is insanely critical. I have no idea how it grades driving but it constantly will ding you for any acceleration or sudden stops.

Also unfortunately I had my first accident and I tried to talk or call the adjuster that NJM assigned me. they were unreachable. they would take up 1-2 weeks to respond to any emails or voicemails.

I just would caution with NJM. you pay for what you get. don't expect good customer service and their smart phone app is terrible.


imironman2018 t1_j1ruz9n wrote

little did I know that GW was crossing over the Delwaware River into NJ to fight at Trenton. I always thought it was in another state.

Fun fact, Washington's second crossing back to Pennsylvannia was even more treacherous because his men raided the Hessian supplies/rum and were drunk. they kept falling into the icy waters and had to be fished out.